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News: 16 October 2017

Somalia attack: 276 dead in truck bombing

– Iraq Takes Kirkuk Power Center to Stall Kurdish Statehood

– Portugal and Spain wildfires: Dozens dead and injured

– Three reported dead in Storm Ophelia as Irish PM urges people to stay indoors

Oil Rig Explodes in Louisiana Lake Pontchartrain, One Worker Still Missing

– Catalonia’s Leader Demands Dialogue With Spain on Independence

– Sebastian Kurz promises ‘great change’ as Austria turns to the right

Hillary Clinton says Julian Assange colluded with Russia to help Donald Trump win US election

– Ex-DEA agent: Opioid crisis fueled by drug industry and Congress

Man arrested after cops mistook doughnut glaze for meth awarded $37,500

Brexit is turning into a disaster, says Vote Leave chief

– Abe on course for landslide win in Japan vote: poll

– Alleged deserter Bowe Bergdahl doubts he could get a fair trial after Trump comments

Tesla starts shipping Powerpacks to Puerto Rico

– ‘A New Rosetta Stone for Astronomy’

– ‘All wifi networks’ are vulnerable to hacking, security expert discovers

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